Este proyecto girará en torno a la elaboración de una serie de estampados totalmente inéditos elaborados por De la Rosa.
Para ello nos hemos centrado en diversas temáticas: estampados geométricos, florales e infantiles para los más pequeños de la casa. Hemos intentado ajustarnos a la tendencia The Essentials, la cual desarrollaremos a continuación, para elaborar cada patrón, ajustarnos a las necesidades de cada persona y a la simplicidad de las formas.
de papel para paredes y la infantil; en la cual hemos aplicado el estampado a diversos productos como son: libretas, bolsas, vasos, vajillas, delantales e incluso un gorro de cocina para invitar a los más pequeños de la casa a familiarizarse con los alimentos.
This project will focus on developing a series of prints made completely unedited by De la Rosa.
To do this we have focused on several themes: geometric prints, florals and for younger children in the house. We tried to stick to the trend The Essentials, which will develop and then to make each pattern, adjust to the needs of each person and the simplicity of form.
The intent of each pattern is given a distinctive touch to various products, and decorate each passed-intent. As we have focused on different topics have also chosen three main lines of products: textile design paper for walls and child, in which we applied the pattern to various products such as: books, bags, glasses, crockery, aprons and even a kitchen cap to invite smaller house familiar with food .
This project will focus on developing a series of prints made completely unedited by De la Rosa.
To do this we have focused on several themes: geometric prints, florals and for younger children in the house. We tried to stick to the trend The Essentials, which will develop and then to make each pattern, adjust to the needs of each person and the simplicity of form.
The intent of each pattern is given a distinctive touch to various products, and decorate each passed-intent. As we have focused on different topics have also chosen three main lines of products: textile design paper for walls and child, in which we applied the pattern to various products such as: books, bags, glasses, crockery, aprons and even a kitchen cap to invite smaller house familiar with food .
El diseño de esta serie de estampados están realizados para su posterior aplicación en superficies tanto interiores como exteriores. Nuestra pretensión era ilustrar una serie de estampados simples y funcionales que no sobrecargaran el espacio.
La temática aplicada a estos 4 diseños ha sido la geométrica, por lo que huimos de formas orgánicas y abstractas. La intención era aplicar colores neutros aunque también algún que otro color estridente para captar la atención del consumidor. Por ello hemos creado varias series de repeticiones en las cuales predominan los blancos y los negros, debido a su posterior uso y aplicación.
A continuación podemos observar el diseño de cada uno de los estampados y sus respectivas aplicaciones.
The design of this series of prints are made for subsequent application in both interior and exterior surfaces. Our aim was to illustrate a series of prints simple and functional space that will not overload.
The theme applied to these four was the geometric designs, so we fled organic and abstract forms. The intention was to apply neutral colors but also the odd colored strident to capture consumer attention. So we created several series of repetitions in which predominantly white and blacks, because later use and application.
Here we see the design of each of the patterns and their applications.
The design of this series of prints are made for subsequent application in both interior and exterior surfaces. Our aim was to illustrate a series of prints simple and functional space that will not overload.
The theme applied to these four was the geometric designs, so we fled organic and abstract forms. The intention was to apply neutral colors but also the odd colored strident to capture consumer attention. So we created several series of repetitions in which predominantly white and blacks, because later use and application.
Here we see the design of each of the patterns and their applications.
Para esta aplicación hemos diseñado 7 estampados para aplicarlos en este caso, cojines aunque podríamos haberlos aplicado desde a unas cortinas, toallas, hasta ropa…
El estampado consiste en la mezcla de líneas geométricas, tanto verticales, horizontales, diagonales con motivos florales dibujados con líneas sensibles. El secreto del estampado reside en los blancos y en la limpieza aplicada a cada proyecto. En general la gama de siete estampados son una línea muy fresca, lamativa pero ante todo funcional y sencilla.
La cromática utilizada es muy llamativa y contrastada en cada uno de los diseños que van desde los verdes, rojos, azules, amarillos, lilas ... pero siempre con fondo blanco para que el estamapdo respire.
For this application we have designed 7 prints to apply in this case, although we might have applied cushions from some curtains, towels, to clothing ...
The pattern consists of a mixture of geometric lines, both vertical, horizontal, diagonal lines drawn floral sensitive. The secret lies in the white printing and cleaning applied to each project. Generally the range of seven prints are very cool line, but above all functional lamativa and easily.
The color used is very striking and contrasted in each of the designs that range from green, red, blue, yellow, lilac ... but always with white background for the estamapdo breathe.
For this application we have designed 7 prints to apply in this case, although we might have applied cushions from some curtains, towels, to clothing ...
The pattern consists of a mixture of geometric lines, both vertical, horizontal, diagonal lines drawn floral sensitive. The secret lies in the white printing and cleaning applied to each project. Generally the range of seven prints are very cool line, but above all functional lamativa and easily.
The color used is very striking and contrasted in each of the designs that range from green, red, blue, yellow, lilac ... but always with white background for the estamapdo breathe.
El diseño de estampados infantiles, consiste en la creación de un patrón que sea atractivo para los más pequeños de la casa. Por ello la temática utilizada pretende provocar una intención; en este caso ejercitar la fantasía y familiarizarse con la fruta.
Los distintos estampados realizados están aplicados a diferentes productos, todos ellos destinados al mercado infantil, desde libretas hasta menaje de cocina. Hemos utilizado colores vivos y fuertes para captar la atención de los más pequeños, además de ilustrar diferentes formas muy reconocibles para todos ellos.
A continuación podemos observar el diseño de cada uno de los estampados y sus respectivas aplicaciones.
The design of children's prints, is the creation of a pattern that is attractive to smaller house. Therefore aims to provoke the subject used an intention, in this case bringing fantasy and familiar with the fruit.
The different prints made are applied to different products, all aimed at the children's market, from books to kitchenware. We used bright colors and strong to capture the attention of younger children, in addition to illustrating different ways very recognizable to all.
Here we see the design of each of the patterns and their applications.
The design of children's prints, is the creation of a pattern that is attractive to smaller house. Therefore aims to provoke the subject used an intention, in this case bringing fantasy and familiar with the fruit.
The different prints made are applied to different products, all aimed at the children's market, from books to kitchenware. We used bright colors and strong to capture the attention of younger children, in addition to illustrating different ways very recognizable to all.
Here we see the design of each of the patterns and their applications.
Este diseño infantil invita a los niño/as a familiarizarse con la fruta y su consumo.
El estampado pretende inculcar al niño/a el consumo de fruta de forma divertida. Por lo que se han usado colores vivos y contrastados para dinamismo en la ilustración.
Las aplicaciones realizadas para este estampado están relacionadas con la alimentación, desde platos, cubiertos, tazas, vasos... hasta un juego de gorro y delantal para los pequeños de la casa se motiven y jueguen con los alimentos creando platos divertidos.
This design invites children boy / as familiar with the fruit and its consumption.
The print is intended to instill the child / a fruit consumption in fun. They have been used for contrasting colors and dynamic illustration.
Applications made for this pattern are related to food from plates, cutlery, cups, glasses ... to a set of hat and apron for little kids are motivated to play with food and creating dishes fun.
This design invites children boy / as familiar with the fruit and its consumption.
The print is intended to instill the child / a fruit consumption in fun. They have been used for contrasting colors and dynamic illustration.
Applications made for this pattern are related to food from plates, cutlery, cups, glasses ... to a set of hat and apron for little kids are motivated to play with food and creating dishes fun.
Este diseño infantil invita a ejercitar la imaginación por derroteros muy distintos.
El estampado pretende introducir al niño/a en un mundo de fantasía, en el cual a partir de los lápices puede ocurrir cualquier cosa. Los dibujos ilustrados pretenden relacionarse con su color de origen. La gama cromática utilizada es amplia y vibrante, lo cual invita a que no pase desapercibida y genere atención.
A continuación podemos encontrar las diversas aplicaciones de este estampado a diversos productos.
ME ENCANTA!!!!!!!!!!!
ResponderEliminarmuye bueno..!
ResponderEliminarme gusto! :P
FELICIDADES, es un trabajo muy bonito!!!
ResponderEliminarbesetes flor
jajaja nena que caña...
asi me gusta que te metas y veas las cositas que voy haciendo!!!!!!jeje un besete y nos vemos prontito!!!!!!!
Me parece un trabajo brillante!
ResponderEliminarEspero poder encontrar los diseños de papelería en tiendas, porque me gustan mucho.
muchas gracias!!!